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How to Automate Scripts on macOS Using AppleScript and Automator

Script automation is a powerful tool for enhancing productivity and efficiency, particularly in repetitive tasks. On macOS, AppleScript and Automator are the primary tools for script automation. AppleScript is a scripting language created by Apple to help automate tasks on macOS. Automator, on the other hand, provides a graphical interface to create workflows that automate repetitive tasks. This article will guide you through the basics of using these tools for script automation on macOS.


Example 1: Automating a Simple Task with AppleScript

AppleScript can be used to automate tasks such as opening applications, manipulating files, or controlling system settings. Below is an example of an AppleScript that opens Safari and navigates to the Apple website.

1. Open the "Script Editor" application on your macOS.
2. Enter the following script:

tell application "Safari"
open location ""
end tell

3. Click the "Run" button to execute the script. Safari will open and navigate to the Apple website.

Example 2: Creating an Automated Workflow with Automator

Automator allows you to create workflows that can be saved as applications or services. Here's how to create a workflow that renames a batch of files in a folder.

1. Open the "Automator" application on your macOS.
2. Choose "Workflow" as the type of document.
3. In the Library, select "Files & Folders" and drag the "Get Specified Finder Items" action to the workflow area.
4. Click "Add" to select the files you want to rename.
5. Next, drag the "Rename Finder Items" action to the workflow area. Automator will prompt you to add a "Copy Finder Items" action to preserve the originals. You can choose to add it or not.
6. Configure the "Rename Finder Items" action according to your needs (e.g., add a date or change the name format).
7. Save the workflow and run it to see the files renamed as specified.

Example 3: Running Shell Scripts via Automator

Automator can also run shell scripts, which is useful for more advanced automation tasks.

1. Open Automator and create a new "Workflow".
2. In the Library, select "Utilities" and drag the "Run Shell Script" action to the workflow area.
3. Enter your shell script in the text area. For example, to list the contents of a directory, you could use:

ls -l /path/to/directory

4. Save and run the workflow to execute the shell script.

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