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How to Rename Files Efficiently on macOS Using A Better Finder Rename

A Better Finder Rename is a powerful file renaming tool for macOS that allows users to rename multiple files quickly and efficiently. This tool is particularly useful for photographers, digital content creators, and anyone who needs to manage large numbers of files. The importance of this tool lies in its ability to save time and reduce errors when renaming files in bulk, which can be a tedious and error-prone task if done manually.

A Better Finder Rename offers a wide range of renaming options, including changing file extensions, adding prefixes or suffixes, and even using advanced search and replace functions. This article will guide you through the process of using A Better Finder Rename to rename files on your macOS system, providing practical examples and commands to illustrate its usage.


1. Basic Renaming:
Suppose you have a folder of photos from a recent trip, and you want to rename them with a specific prefix and a sequential number.

  • Open A Better Finder Rename.

  • Drag and drop the folder containing your photos into the application.

  • In the "Renaming Options" panel, select "Text" and then "Add Text."

  • Enter the prefix you want to use (e.g., "Trip2023_").

  • Select "Sequence Number" from the options and configure the sequence settings (e.g., start at 1, increment by 1).

  • Click "Perform Renaming" to apply the changes.

2. Changing File Extensions:
If you have a set of files with the wrong file extension and need to correct them:

  • Open A Better Finder Rename.

  • Drag and drop the files into the application.

  • In the "Renaming Options" panel, select "Change" and then "Extension."

  • Enter the new extension you want to use (e.g., change ".jpeg" to ".jpg").

  • Click "Perform Renaming" to apply the changes.

3. Advanced Search and Replace:
For more complex renaming tasks, such as replacing specific text within filenames:

  • Open A Better Finder Rename.

  • Drag and drop the files into the application.

  • In the "Renaming Options" panel, select "Text" and then "Replace Text."

  • Enter the text you want to find and the text you want to replace it with.

  • Click "Perform Renaming" to apply the changes.

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