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How to Style Your macOS Terminal for Enhanced Productivity

Styling, in the context of computing, often refers to customizing the appearance and behavior of software interfaces to improve usability and aesthetics. For macOS users, one of the most impactful areas to apply styling is the Terminal application. Customizing your Terminal can significantly enhance your productivity by making it easier to read and navigate through commands and outputs. This article will guide you through the process of styling your macOS Terminal, including changing themes, fonts, and colors.


1. Changing the Terminal Theme:

  • Open the Terminal application.

  • Go to "Terminal" in the menu bar and select "Preferences" (or press Cmd + ,).

  • In the Preferences window, navigate to the "Profiles" tab.

  • Here, you will find several pre-installed themes. Select a theme to preview it.

  • To set a theme as default, right-click on the theme and select "Default".

2. Customizing Font and Text Size:

  • In the same "Profiles" tab, select the profile you want to customize.

  • Click on the "Text" tab within the profile settings.

  • You can change the font by clicking the "Change" button next to the font name.

  • Adjust the font size using the slider or input field.

3. Setting Background and Text Colors:

  • Within the "Profiles" tab, select the profile you want to customize.

  • Click on the "Colors" tab.

  • You can change the background color by clicking on the color box next to "Background".

  • Similarly, change the text color by clicking on the color box next to "Text".

  • For more advanced customization, you can adjust the ANSI colors used by the Terminal.

4. Using Custom Themes:

  • Download a custom Terminal theme from a site like iTerm2-Color-Schemes.

  • Open the downloaded theme file. It should automatically import into the Terminal profiles.

  • Select the imported theme from the "Profiles" tab and set it as default if desired.

5. Applying Powerline Fonts:

  • Powerline fonts add additional glyphs that can be useful for various Terminal applications.

  • Download Powerline fonts from Powerline GitHub.

  • Install the fonts by running the provided installation script:
     git clone --depth=1
    cd fonts

  • After installation, go back to the Terminal preferences and select a Powerline font from the "Text" tab.

6. Using Terminal Emulators:

  • Consider using alternative Terminal emulators like iTerm2, which offers more customization options and features.

  • Download and install iTerm2 from iTerm2's official website.

  • Open iTerm2 and go to "Preferences" to access a wide range of styling options similar to those in the default Terminal app but with more flexibility.

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