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How to Switch Audio Sources on macOS Using Command Line Tools

In the macOS environment, managing audio sources can be crucial for tasks such as scripting, automation, and troubleshooting. While "SwitchAudioSource" is not a native command or tool in macOS, there are third-party utilities and built-in command-line tools that can help achieve similar functionality. This article will guide you through how to switch audio sources using command-line tools on macOS, emphasizing the importance of this capability for users who need to automate audio settings or manage them remotely.


1. Using SwitchAudioSource Utility:

SwitchAudioSource is a third-party utility that allows you to switch audio input and output devices from the command line. You can download it from GitHub and use it as follows:

  • Installation:

     brew install switchaudio-osx

  • List Available Audio Devices:

     SwitchAudioSource -a

  • Switch to a Specific Output Device:

     SwitchAudioSource -s "MacBook Pro Speakers"

  • Switch to a Specific Input Device:

     SwitchAudioSource -t input -s "Built-in Microphone"

2. Using osascript for Audio Management:

osascript can be used to execute AppleScript commands from the command line. This can be useful for more complex audio management tasks.

  • Set Output Device Using AppleScript:

     osascript -e 'set volume output volume 50'

  • Mute/Unmute Output:

     osascript -e 'set volume with output muted'

  • Get Current Output Device:

     osascript -e 'output volume of (get volume settings)'

3. Using Audio MIDI Setup for Advanced Configurations:

For more advanced audio configurations, you can use the Audio MIDI Setup utility, which can be controlled via AppleScript.

  • Open Audio MIDI Setup:

     open -a "Audio MIDI Setup"

  • Configure Aggregate Device:
    This requires manual setup through the GUI, but you can automate the opening process and script other parts of your workflow.

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