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How to Use Command Line Tools on macOS

Command line tools are essential for developers, system administrators, and power users who need to perform complex tasks efficiently. On macOS, the Terminal app provides access to a powerful set of command line tools that can help you automate tasks, manage files, and configure system settings. This article will introduce you to some of the most useful command line tools available on macOS and provide practical examples to help you get started.


1. Navigating the File System

The cd (change directory) command allows you to navigate through the file system.

   cd /path/to/directory

To list the contents of a directory, use the ls command:


2. Managing Files and Directories

To create a new directory, use the mkdir command:

   mkdir new_directory

To create a new file, you can use the touch command:

   touch new_file.txt

To copy a file, use the cp command:

   cp source_file.txt destination_file.txt

To move or rename a file, use the mv command:

   mv old_file.txt new_file.txt

To delete a file, use the rm command:

   rm unwanted_file.txt

To delete a directory and its contents, use the rm -r command:

   rm -r unwanted_directory

3. Viewing and Editing Files

To view the contents of a file, use the cat command:

   cat file.txt

For a paginated view, use the less command:

   less file.txt

To edit a file, you can use the nano text editor:

   nano file.txt

4. System Information and Management

To display system information, use the system_profiler command:


To check the disk usage, use the df command:

   df -h

To monitor system processes, use the top command:


5. Networking

To display network configuration, use the ifconfig command:


To check network connectivity, use the ping command:


6. Package Management

Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS. To install Homebrew, use the following command:

   /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Once installed, you can use Homebrew to install additional command line tools. For example, to install wget:

   brew install wget

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