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How to Use the \'mv\' Command on macOS

The mv command is a fundamental utility in Unix-based systems, including macOS, that allows users to move or rename files and directories. Understanding how to use this command effectively is crucial for managing files via the Terminal. This article will guide you through the usage of the mv command on macOS, providing practical examples to illustrate its functionality.


1. Basic File Move:
To move a file from one location to another, use the following syntax:

   mv /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/


   mv ~/Documents/report.txt ~/Desktop/

This command moves the file report.txt from the Documents folder to the Desktop.

2. Renaming a File:
To rename a file, use the mv command with the source and target filenames:

   mv /path/to/source/filename /path/to/target/filename


   mv ~/Desktop/report.txt ~/Desktop/summary.txt

This command renames report.txt to summary.txt on the Desktop.

3. Moving a Directory:
You can also move entire directories:

   mv /path/to/source/directory /path/to/destination/


   mv ~/Downloads/OldProjects ~/Documents/

This command moves the OldProjects directory from Downloads to Documents.

4. Renaming a Directory:
Similar to files, directories can be renamed:

   mv /path/to/source/directory /path/to/target/directory


   mv ~/Documents/OldProjects ~/Documents/ArchivedProjects

This command renames the OldProjects directory to ArchivedProjects.

5. Overwriting Files:
By default, mv will overwrite files in the destination without prompting. To avoid this, use the -i (interactive) flag:

   mv -i /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/


   mv -i ~/Downloads/report.txt ~/Documents/

This command will prompt before overwriting report.txt in the Documents folder if it already exists.

6. Verbose Output:
To see detailed information about the move operation, use the -v (verbose) flag:

   mv -v /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/


   mv -v ~/Desktop/report.txt ~/Documents/

This command will display each step of the move process.

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