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Essential Terminal Commands for Linux Users

The terminal is a powerful tool for Linux users, allowing them to interact with their system through text-based commands. Understanding and using terminal commands is essential for any Linux user, as it provides a faster and more efficient way to perform various tasks. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used terminal commands in Linux and their equivalents in other environments.


1. File Operations:

  • To list files and directories in the current directory: ls

  • To change to a different directory: cd directory_name

  • To create a new directory: mkdir directory_name

  • To copy a file: cp source_file destination

  • To move or rename a file: mv source_file destination

2. Text Manipulation:

  • To view the contents of a file: cat file_name

  • To search for a specific string in a file: grep "search_string" file_name

  • To count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file: wc file_name

  • To sort the lines in a file: sort file_name

  • To replace a string in a file: sed 's/old_string/new_string/g' file_name

3. System Information:

  • To display system information: uname -a

  • To check the disk usage: df -h

  • To view the current processes: top

  • To check the network connections: netstat -tuln

  • To monitor system resources: htop

4. Package Management:

  • To update the package database: sudo apt update

  • To install a package: sudo apt install package_name

  • To remove a package: sudo apt remove package_name

  • To search for a package: apt search package_name

  • To upgrade all installed packages: sudo apt upgrade

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