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How to Filter Jobs in Linux Environment

Filtering jobs is an essential task for system administrators and Linux users to efficiently manage and monitor running processes. By filtering jobs, you can easily identify specific processes, track resource usage, and perform various actions on them. In the Linux environment, there are several powerful tools available for filtering jobs, such as ps, top, and pgrep.


1. Using ps command:
The ps command is a versatile tool for displaying information about running processes. To filter jobs using ps, you can utilize the options like -ef, -aux, and --forest.

To list all running processes:

ps -ef

To filter jobs based on a specific user:

ps -u <username>

To display a process tree (hierarchical view):

ps --forest

2. Using top command:
The top command provides real-time monitoring of processes and system resources. It allows you to sort and filter jobs based on various criteria.

To start top:


To sort jobs by CPU usage:
Press 'P' to sort by CPU usage in descending order.

To filter jobs based on a specific user:
Press 'u' and enter the username to filter jobs by that user.

To filter jobs based on a specific process name:
Press 'o' and enter the process name to filter jobs by that name.

3. Using pgrep command:
The pgrep command is specifically designed to filter jobs based on process attributes. It is useful when you need to find process IDs (PIDs) based on criteria like process name, user, or command line arguments.

To filter jobs based on a process name:

pgrep <process_name>

To filter jobs based on a user:

pgrep -u <username>

To filter jobs based on a command line argument:

pgrep -f <argument>

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