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How to Master Terminal Commands in Linux

Terminal commands are the backbone of Linux system administration and daily operations. Mastering these commands can significantly enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and empower users to perform complex tasks efficiently. This article will introduce you to essential Linux terminal commands, their importance, and how to use them effectively.


1. Navigating the Filesystem:

  • ls: Lists directory contents.
     ls -l /home/user

  • cd: Changes the current directory.
     cd /var/log

2. File and Directory Operations:

  • cp: Copies files or directories.
     cp source.txt destination.txt

  • mv: Moves or renames files or directories.
     mv oldname.txt newname.txt

  • rm: Removes files or directories.
     rm -r directory_name

3. File Viewing and Editing:

  • cat: Concatenates and displays file content.
     cat file.txt

  • nano: Opens a simple text editor.
     nano file.txt

4. System Monitoring:

  • top: Displays real-time system information.

  • df: Reports file system disk space usage.
     df -h

5. Network Management:

  • ping: Checks network connectivity.

  • ifconfig: Configures network interfaces.
     ifconfig eth0

6. Package Management:

  • apt-get: Manages packages on Debian-based systems.
     sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install package_name

  • yum: Manages packages on Red Hat-based systems.
     sudo yum update
    sudo yum install package_name

7. Permissions and Ownership:

  • chmod: Changes file permissions.
     chmod 755

  • chown: Changes file ownership.
     sudo chown user:group file.txt

8. Process Management:

  • ps: Displays current processes.
     ps aux

  • kill: Terminates processes.
     kill -9 PID

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