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How to Use dnsutils in Linux

In the Linux environment, dnsutils is a collection of command-line tools that are used to query and troubleshoot DNS (Domain Name System) servers. DNS is a critical component of the internet infrastructure as it translates human-readable domain names into IP addresses that computers can understand. By using dnsutils, Linux users can easily perform DNS-related tasks such as querying DNS records, troubleshooting DNS issues, and testing DNS configurations.

dnsutils package in Linux includes several useful tools:

1. dig: A versatile tool for querying DNS servers. It can retrieve various types of DNS records, perform zone transfers, and display detailed information about DNS responses.

2. nslookup: A legacy tool for querying DNS servers. It can retrieve basic DNS records and perform reverse DNS lookups.

3. host: A simple tool for querying DNS servers. It can retrieve basic DNS records and display the IP address of a given domain name.

4. nsupdate: A tool for dynamic DNS updates. It allows you to add, modify, or delete DNS records on a remote DNS server.

To install dnsutils on a Debian-based Linux distribution (such as Ubuntu), you can use the following command:

sudo apt-get install dnsutils

Once installed, you can start using the dnsutils tools to interact with DNS servers.


1. Querying DNS Records with dig:


This command will query the DNS server for the A (IPv4 address) record of and display the response.

2. Querying DNS Records with nslookup:


This command will query the DNS server for the A (IPv4 address) record of and display the response.

3. Querying DNS Records with host:


This command will query the DNS server for the A (IPv4 address) record of and display the IP address.

4. Performing Dynamic DNS Update with nsupdate:

nsupdate -k keyfile.txt
> server
> update add 3600 A
> send

This example demonstrates how to use nsupdate to add a new A record for "" with the IP address to the DNS server "".

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