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How to Use sinfo to Monitor Slurm Jobs in Linux

In high-performance computing (HPC) environments, efficient resource management is crucial. Slurm (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is a popular open-source workload manager used to schedule jobs on large clusters. One of the essential tools provided by Slurm is sinfo, which allows users to view the state of nodes and partitions in the cluster. This article will explain how to use sinfo to monitor Slurm jobs, its importance, and provide practical examples to help you get started.


1. Basic Usage of sinfo:
To get a quick overview of the cluster's state, you can use the basic sinfo command:


This command provides a summary of the partitions and nodes, including their state, availability, and other relevant information.

2. Formatting Output:
You can customize the output format of sinfo using the -o option. For example, to display the partition name, node name, state, and number of CPUs, you can use:

   sinfo -o "%P %N %t %C"

This command will output the partition name (%P), node name (%N), state (%t), and the number of CPUs (%C).

3. Filtering by State:
If you want to see only nodes in a specific state, such as idle or allocated, you can use the -t option followed by the state. For example, to view only idle nodes:

   sinfo -t idle

4. Detailed Node Information:
For more detailed information about the nodes, you can use the -N option. This will list each node individually along with its state and other details:

   sinfo -N

5. Combining Options:
You can combine multiple options to get a more refined output. For instance, to get detailed information about idle nodes with a custom format:

   sinfo -N -t idle -o "%P %N %t %C %m"

This command will provide detailed information about idle nodes, including memory (%m).

6. Using sinfo in Scripts:
You can incorporate sinfo into shell scripts to automate monitoring tasks. For example, a simple script to check for idle nodes and send an alert could look like this:

idle_nodes=$(sinfo -t idle -h -o "%N")
if [ -n "$idle_nodes" ]; then
echo "Idle nodes detected: $idle_nodes"
# Add additional alerting mechanisms here, e.g., email or logging
echo "No idle nodes."

Save this script as, make it executable with chmod +x, and run it to check for idle nodes.

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