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Adding Yammer Page to Microsoft Teams in Office 365 for Windows: Examples in PowerShell and Batch Scripts

In this article, we will explore the process of adding a Yammer page to Microsoft Teams in Office 365 for Windows. Integrating Yammer with Teams allows for better collaboration and communication within an organization. While this integration is not native to the Windows environment, we can achieve it using PowerShell and batch scripts. By leveraging these scripting languages, we can automate the process and make it more efficient.


1. PowerShell Script Example:
To add a Yammer page to Microsoft Teams using PowerShell, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.
Step 2: Install the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module by running the following command:

Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber

Step 3: Connect to your Office 365 account by running the following command and providing your credentials:


Step 4: Add the Yammer page to Teams by running the following command:

Add-TeamTab -TeamId <TeamId> -DisplayName "Yammer" -WebUrl "<YammerPageUrl>"

Replace <TeamId> with the ID of the Microsoft Team you want to add the Yammer page to, and <YammerPageUrl> with the URL of the Yammer page.

2. Batch Script Example:
To achieve the same result using a batch script, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Notepad and create a new file.
Step 2: Copy and paste the following commands into the file:

@echo off
set "teamId=<TeamId>"
set "yammerPageUrl=<YammerPageUrl>"
pwsh -Command "Connect-MicrosoftTeams; Add-TeamTab -TeamId %teamId% -DisplayName 'Yammer' -WebUrl '%yammerPageUrl%'"

Step 3: Replace <TeamId> with the ID of the Microsoft Team and <YammerPageUrl> with the URL of the Yammer page.
Step 4: Save the file with a .bat extension (e.g., add_yammer_to_teams.bat).
Step 5: Double-click the batch script to execute it.

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