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Aprenda a usar o Get-NetFirewallSetting no PowerShell

Learn How to Use Get-NetFirewallSetting in PowerShell for Windows Environment

In today's digital world, network security is of utmost importance. Firewalls play a crucial role in protecting our systems from unauthorized access and potential threats. PowerShell, a powerful scripting language for Windows, provides a variety of cmdlets to manage and configure firewall settings. One such cmdlet is Get-NetFirewallSetting, which allows users to retrieve information about the firewall settings on their Windows systems. This article aims to provide an instructional guide on how to use Get-NetFirewallSetting effectively in a Windows environment.

1. Retrieving Basic Firewall Settings:
To retrieve basic firewall settings using Get-NetFirewallSetting, open PowerShell and run the following command:


This command will display information such as the firewall policy, logging settings, and global default behavior.

2. Filtering Firewall Settings:
Get-NetFirewallSetting also allows users to filter the output based on specific criteria. For example, to retrieve only the firewall settings related to inbound rules, you can use the following command:

Get-NetFirewallSetting | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "*Inbound*"}

This command will display only the firewall settings that have "Inbound" in their display name.

3. Exporting Firewall Settings to a CSV File:
If you need to export the firewall settings to a CSV file for further analysis or documentation, you can use the Export-Csv cmdlet. Here's an example command:

Get-NetFirewallSetting | Export-Csv -Path "C:\FirewallSettings.csv" -NoTypeInformation

This command will export the firewall settings to a CSV file located at "C:\FirewallSettings.csv".

Understanding and managing firewall settings is essential for maintaining a secure network environment. PowerShell provides the Get-NetFirewallSetting cmdlet, which allows users to retrieve and analyze firewall settings in a Windows environment. By utilizing this cmdlet, users can gain valuable insights into their firewall configurations and make necessary adjustments to enhance network security.

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