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Azure CLI for Windows: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's cloud computing era, managing resources in the cloud has become crucial for businesses. Azure CLI (Command-Line Interface) is a powerful tool that allows users to manage Azure resources from the command line. While Azure CLI is primarily designed for Linux and macOS environments, there are viable alternatives and equivalents available for Windows users. In this article, we will explore Azure CLI and its adaptability to the Windows environment.

1. Installing Azure CLI on Windows:

  • Download and install the Windows Installer package from the official Azure CLI website.

  • Follow the installation wizard and choose the desired installation options.

  • Open the command prompt or PowerShell and verify the installation by running the command az --version.

2. Authenticating with Azure CLI on Windows:

  • Launch the command prompt or PowerShell and run the command az login.

  • A browser window will open, prompting you to sign in to your Azure account.

  • After successful authentication, you will be able to manage your Azure resources using Azure CLI.

3. Creating and managing Azure resources on Windows:

  • Use Azure CLI commands to create and manage resources such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and databases.

  • For example, to create a virtual machine, you can run the command az vm create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM --image win2019datacenter --admin-username azureuser --admin-password myPassword.

4. Automating tasks with Azure CLI on Windows:

  • Azure CLI supports scripting and automation, allowing you to streamline repetitive tasks.

  • You can create scripts using Windows batch files (.bat) or PowerShell scripts (.ps1) to execute Azure CLI commands.

  • For example, you can create a PowerShell script to automate the creation of multiple virtual machines with different configurations.

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