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Boost Your Web Development with Browsersync on Windows

Browsersync is a powerful tool that enhances web development workflow by synchronizing multiple browsers and devices in real-time. While originally designed for Unix-based systems, it is also compatible with Windows, making it an invaluable asset for Windows users. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Browsersync and provide instructions on how to set it up and use it effectively on a Windows environment.

Browsersync allows developers to preview changes instantly across multiple browsers and devices without the need for manual refreshing. This saves time and improves productivity during the development process. With Browsersync, you can automatically reload browsers, scroll, click, and even form submissions simultaneously on all connected devices, providing a seamless experience for testing and debugging.


1. Installation:

  • Open your command prompt or PowerShell on Windows.

  • Install Browsersync globally by running the following command:
     npm install -g browser-sync

2. Basic Usage:

  • Navigate to your project directory using the command prompt or PowerShell.

  • Start Browsersync by running the following command:
     browser-sync start --server --files "*.html, css/*.css"

  • Browsersync will create a local server and watch for changes in HTML files and CSS files within the specified directory. Any changes made will automatically trigger a browser refresh across all connected devices.

3. Advanced Configuration:

  • Browsersync offers a wide range of configuration options to customize its behavior. For example, you can change the default port, enable/disable specific features, and even proxy requests to another server. Refer to the Browsersync documentation for a complete list of configuration options.

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