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Como usar o New-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase no PowerShell

How to Use New-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase in PowerShell for Windows

In this article, we will explore the usage of the New-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase cmdlet in PowerShell for the Windows environment. This cmdlet allows us to create a new flexible server database in Azure Database for PostgreSQL. We will discuss the importance of this command for Windows users and provide practical examples to illustrate its usage.

1. Create a new flexible server database:
To create a new flexible server database using the New-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase cmdlet, follow these steps:

# Connect to your Azure account

# Select the Azure subscription
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId "<subscription-id>"

# Create a new resource group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name "<resource-group-name>" -Location "<location>"

# Create a new flexible server database
New-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase -ResourceGroupName "<resource-group-name>" -ServerName "<server-name>" -DatabaseName "<database-name>" -Edition "<edition>" -Collation "<collation>"

2. Retrieve information about a flexible server database:
To retrieve information about a flexible server database, use the Get-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase cmdlet:

# Connect to your Azure account

# Select the Azure subscription
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId "<subscription-id>"

# Get information about a flexible server database
Get-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase -ResourceGroupName "<resource-group-name>" -ServerName "<server-name>" -DatabaseName "<database-name>"

The New-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerDatabase cmdlet in PowerShell for Windows provides a convenient way to create a new flexible server database in Azure Database for PostgreSQL. By following the examples provided in this article, Windows users can leverage this cmdlet to manage their PostgreSQL databases effectively.

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