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Discover how to use WMIC QFE to manage Windows updates

Introduction to WMIC QFE and its importance

WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line) is a powerful command-line tool that allows Windows administrators to manage various aspects of the operating system. One of the key functionalities of WMIC is the ability to query and manage Windows updates using the QFE (Quick Fix Engineering) alias.

Windows updates are crucial for maintaining the security, stability, and performance of a Windows system. With WMIC QFE, administrators can easily gather information about installed updates, uninstall specific updates, and even install updates from the command line.


1. How to list all installed Windows updates using WMIC QFE:

Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and run the following command:

wmic qfe list full

This command will display a detailed list of all installed updates on the system, including their KB numbers, installation dates, and more.

2. How to search for a specific Windows update using WMIC QFE:

To find a specific update, you can use the "where" clause in the WMIC query. For example, to search for updates related to Microsoft Office, run the following command:

wmic qfe where "HotFixID like 'KB%' and Description like '%Office%'" get HotFixID, Description

This command will display the KB numbers and descriptions of all updates related to Microsoft Office.

3. How to uninstall a Windows update using WMIC QFE:

To uninstall a specific update, you need to know its KB number. Run the following command to uninstall an update with a specific KB number:

wmic qfe where "HotFixID='KB1234567'" call uninstall /nointeractive

Replace "KB1234567" with the actual KB number of the update you want to uninstall. This command will silently uninstall the specified update.

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