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Exploring BITSAdmin GetDisplayName for Windows: A Guide with PowerShell and Batch Script Examples

In the world of Windows systems, BITSAdmin is a powerful command-line tool that allows users to manage Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) jobs. One of the useful features of BITSAdmin is the GetDisplayName command, which retrieves the display name of a specified job. This article aims to provide an informative and instructional guide on how to utilize the GetDisplayName command in the Windows environment using PowerShell and Batch scripts.

The GetDisplayName command is particularly important for Windows administrators and system engineers as it enables them to easily identify and track BITS jobs. By understanding how to use GetDisplayName, users can efficiently manage and troubleshoot BITS jobs, ensuring smooth data transfers and system operations.


1. PowerShell Example:
To retrieve the display name of a BITS job using PowerShell, you can utilize the BITSAdmin module. Here's an example script:

Import-Module BitsTransfer

$job = Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | Where-Object {$_.JobState -eq "Transferring"}

$displayName = $job.DisplayName
Write-Host "Display Name: $displayName"

2. Batch Script Example:
If you prefer using Batch scripts, you can utilize the BITSAdmin command directly. Here's an example script:

@echo off

for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%a in ('bitsadmin /list /allusers ^| findstr /i "Transferring"') do (
for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%b in ('bitsadmin /list %%a /verbose ^| findstr /i "DisplayName"') do (
echo Display Name: %%b

While the BITSAdmin tool and the GetDisplayName command are specific to the Windows environment, it's worth mentioning that alternative solutions exist for other operating systems. For example, in Linux-based systems, you can use the wget or curl commands to achieve similar functionalities. However, these alternatives may require different syntax and scripts, tailored to the respective operating systems.

In conclusion, exploring the BITSAdmin GetDisplayName command in the Windows environment empowers system administrators to effectively manage BITS jobs. By utilizing PowerShell or Batch scripts, users can retrieve the display name of a job and gain valuable insights into ongoing transfers.

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