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Exploring the Get-AzSubscriptionDeployment Command in Windows PowerShell

In this article, we will explore the Get-AzSubscriptionDeployment command in Windows PowerShell and discuss its importance in managing Azure deployments. The Get-AzSubscriptionDeployment command allows users to retrieve information about deployments made to Azure subscriptions. By understanding how to use this command, Windows users can effectively monitor and troubleshoot their Azure resources, ensuring smooth operation and optimal performance.


Example 1: Retrieving information about all deployments in a subscription

Get-AzSubscriptionDeployment -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>

This command retrieves all deployments made to the specified Azure subscription. The output includes details such as deployment name, location, provisioning state, and timestamp.

Example 2: Filtering deployments by name

Get-AzSubscriptionDeployment -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> -Name <DeploymentName>

By specifying the deployment name, this command retrieves information about a specific deployment within the given subscription. This can be useful when troubleshooting or monitoring a particular deployment.

Example 3: Filtering deployments by resource group

Get-AzSubscriptionDeployment -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

This command allows users to filter deployments based on the resource group in which they are located. It retrieves information about all deployments within the specified resource group.

Example 4: Retrieving the deployment template and parameters

Get-AzSubscriptionDeployment -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> -Name <DeploymentName> | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Select-Object -Property Template, Parameters

This command retrieves the deployment template and parameters used for a specific deployment. By examining the template and parameters, users can gain insights into the configuration and settings of their Azure resources.

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