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Exploring the New-AdlAnalyticsComputePolicy Command in Windows PowerShell


The New-AdlAnalyticsComputePolicy command is a powerful tool in Windows PowerShell that allows users to create and manage compute policies in Azure Data Lake Analytics. Compute policies are essential for controlling the resources allocated to specific jobs and managing the overall performance and cost efficiency of data analytics tasks.

In the Windows environment, the New-AdlAnalyticsComputePolicy command provides a seamless integration with Azure Data Lake Analytics, enabling users to easily define and configure compute policies without the need for complex manual configurations.


Example 1: Creating a Compute Policy

To create a compute policy using the New-AdlAnalyticsComputePolicy command in Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

1. Open Windows PowerShell.
2. Connect to your Azure account using the Connect-AzureRmAccount command.
3. Run the following command to create a new compute policy:

   New-AdlAnalyticsComputePolicy -AccountName "YourAccountName" -Name "ComputePolicyName" -MaxDegreeOfParallelism 10 -MinPriority 100

This command creates a new compute policy with the specified name, maximum degree of parallelism, and minimum priority. Adjust the values according to your requirements.

Example 2: Modifying a Compute Policy

To modify an existing compute policy using the New-AdlAnalyticsComputePolicy command in Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

1. Open Windows PowerShell.
2. Connect to your Azure account using the Connect-AzureRmAccount command.
3. Run the following command to modify an existing compute policy:

   Set-AdlAnalyticsComputePolicy -AccountName "YourAccountName" -Name "ComputePolicyName" -MaxDegreeOfParallelism 20 -MinPriority 200

This command updates the maximum degree of parallelism and minimum priority of the specified compute policy. Adjust the values as needed.

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