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How to Automatically Open a Video in Windows Media Player in FullScreen Mode

Opening videos in Windows Media Player in FullScreen mode can be a convenient way to enjoy your favorite movies or presentations without distractions. This article will guide you through the steps to automate the process of opening a video in Windows Media Player and ensuring it plays in FullScreen mode by default.


1. Creating a shortcut:

  • Right-click on your desktop and select "New" and then "Shortcut".

  • In the "Create Shortcut" window, enter the following command:
     "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" "C:\Path\to\your\video.mp4" /fullscreen

    Replace "C:\Path\to\your\video.mp4" with the actual path to your video file.

  • Click "Next" and give your shortcut a name, such as "FullScreen Video".

  • Click "Finish" to create the shortcut.

  • Double-click the shortcut to open the video in Windows Media Player in FullScreen mode.

2. Using a batch script:

  • Open Notepad and enter the following command:
     start /max "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" "C:\Path\to\your\video.mp4"

    Replace "C:\Path\to\your\video.mp4" with the actual path to your video file.

  • Click "File" and then "Save As".

  • Choose a location to save the file and give it a name with the ".bat" extension, such as "OpenFullScreen.bat".

  • Double-click the batch script to open the video in Windows Media Player in FullScreen mode.

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