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How to Collect Computer System and BIOS Information Using PowerShell

This PowerShell script is designed to gather detailed information about a list of computers, including their manufacturer, model, and BIOS serial number. The information is then exported to a CSV file for easy reference. This script is particularly useful for IT administrators who need to inventory hardware details across multiple machines in a network.

The script reads a list of computer names from a text file (computers.txt), queries each computer using WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to gather the necessary details, and then outputs this information into a CSV file (devices.csv). This CSV file can be used for further analysis, reporting, or record-keeping.


1. Prepare the Computers List:

  • Create a text file named computers.txt with the names of the computers you want to query, one per line. For example:

2. PowerShell Script Explanation:

  • The script starts by reading the computer names from computers.txt.

  • It then initializes an empty array $devices to store the collected information.

  • For each computer, it retrieves the computer system information and BIOS details using the Get-WmiObject cmdlet.

  • The results are stored in a custom PowerShell object, which is added to the $devices array.

  • Finally, the script exports the collected data to a CSV file named devices.csv.

3. Executing the Script:

  • Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.

  • Navigate to the directory containing the script and the computers.txt file.

  • Run the script:

  • After execution, check the directory for the devices.csv file containing the collected information.

Script Code:

$computers = Get-Content -Path "computers.txt"
$devices = @()

foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$info = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $computer
$bios = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS -ComputerName $computer

$devices += [PSCustomObject]@{
Manufacturer = $info.Manufacturer
Model = $info.Model
SerialNumber = $bios.SerialNumber

$devices | Export-Csv -Path "devices.csv" -NoTypeInformation

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