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How to Configure Network Settings via CMD in Windows

Configuring network settings is a crucial task for systems administrators and IT professionals. It allows you to manage your network interfaces, set IP addresses, configure DNS servers, and more. While many of these tasks can be done through the graphical user interface (GUI), using the Command Prompt (CMD) provides a faster and more scriptable way to manage these settings. This article will guide you through the process of configuring network settings via CMD in a Windows environment.


1. Viewing Network Configuration:
To view the current network configuration, you can use the ipconfig command:

   ipconfig /all

This command displays detailed information about all network interfaces, including IP addresses, subnet masks, and default gateways.

2. Setting a Static IP Address:
To set a static IP address, you can use the netsh command. Replace Ethernet with the name of your network interface, and adjust the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway as needed:

   netsh interface ip set address name="Ethernet" static

This command configures the specified network interface with a static IP address.

3. Configuring DNS Servers:
To set DNS servers, use the following netsh command. Replace Ethernet with the name of your network interface, and adjust the DNS server addresses as needed:

   netsh interface ip set dns name="Ethernet" static
netsh interface ip add dns name="Ethernet" index=2

These commands set the primary and secondary DNS servers for the specified network interface.

4. Releasing and Renewing IP Address:
To release and renew the IP address of a network interface, use the following commands:

   ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

These commands release the current IP address and request a new one from the DHCP server.

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