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How to Create and Manage User Accounts Using CMD in Windows

In this article, we will explore how to create and manage user accounts using the Command Prompt (CMD) in the Windows operating system. User account management is an essential aspect of system administration, allowing administrators to control access and permissions for different users. By utilizing CMD, administrators can efficiently create, modify, and delete user accounts, providing a streamlined approach to user management in a Windows environment.


1. Creating a User Account:
To create a new user account using CMD, follow these steps:

  • Open CMD with administrative privileges.

  • Type the following command: net user username password /add

  • Replace "username" with the desired username for the new account.

  • Replace "password" with the desired password for the new account.

  • Press Enter to execute the command.

  • The new user account will be created.

2. Modifying User Account Properties:
To modify properties of an existing user account using CMD, follow these steps:

  • Open CMD with administrative privileges.

  • Type the following command: net user username /property

  • Replace "username" with the username of the account you want to modify.

  • Press Enter to execute the command.

  • You can now modify various properties such as password, account expiration, user groups, etc.

3. Deleting a User Account:
To delete a user account using CMD, follow these steps:

  • Open CMD with administrative privileges.

  • Type the following command: net user username /delete

  • Replace "username" with the username of the account you want to delete.

  • Press Enter to execute the command.

  • The user account will be deleted.

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