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How to Run Unit Tests Using VSTest.Console.exe via CMD in Windows

VSTest.Console.exe is a command-line tool provided by Microsoft that allows developers to run automated tests on .NET applications. This tool is essential for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, enabling automated testing of code to ensure quality and reliability. Running tests via the command line is particularly useful for integrating tests into build processes and for executing tests on different environments without requiring a full IDE setup.


1. Running a Test Assembly:
To run tests in a specific test assembly (e.g., MyTests.dll), you can use the following command:

   VSTest.Console.exe MyTests.dll

2. Specifying a Test Settings File:
If you have a .runsettings file that configures how tests should be run, you can specify it using the /Settings option:

   VSTest.Console.exe MyTests.dll /Settings:TestSettings.runsettings

3. Running Specific Tests:
You can run specific tests by using the /Tests option followed by a comma-separated list of test names:

   VSTest.Console.exe MyTests.dll /Tests:Namespace.ClassName.TestMethod1,Namespace.ClassName.TestMethod2

4. Running Tests with a Specific Test Adapter:
If you need to use a specific test adapter (e.g., for NUnit or xUnit), you can specify it with the /TestAdapterPath option:

   VSTest.Console.exe MyTests.dll /TestAdapterPath:C:\Path\To\Test\Adapter

5. Generating a Test Results File:
To generate a test results file in a specific format (e.g., .trx), use the /Logger option:

   VSTest.Console.exe MyTests.dll /Logger:trx

6. Running Tests in Parallel:
To run tests in parallel, you can use the /Parallel option:

   VSTest.Console.exe MyTests.dll /Parallel

7. Filtering Tests by Traits:
To run tests that have specific traits (e.g., categories), use the /TestCaseFilter option:

   VSTest.Console.exe MyTests.dll /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=Unit"

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