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How to Use diskraid.exe in Windows 11

In this article, we will explore how to utilize the diskraid.exe tool in Windows 11. Diskraid.exe is a command-line utility that allows users to manage and configure software RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) arrays on their Windows systems. This tool is especially useful for users who want to combine multiple physical disks into a single logical unit for improved performance, fault tolerance, or both.

1. To create a RAID-5 array using diskraid.exe, open the Command Prompt as an administrator and run the following command:
diskraid create /r /l:5 /n:MyRAID E: F: G:

This command creates a RAID-5 array named "MyRAID" using disks E:, F:, and G:. The /r flag indicates that it is a RAID array, and the /l:5 flag specifies that it should use RAID level 5. You can replace the drive letters and array name with your desired values.

2. To add a disk to an existing RAID array, use the following command:
diskraid add /n:MyRAID H:

This command adds disk H: to the RAID array named "MyRAID". Again, you can replace the array name and drive letter with your own.

3. To remove a disk from a RAID array, run the following command:
diskraid remove /n:MyRAID F:

This command removes disk F: from the RAID array named "MyRAID". Make sure to replace the array name and drive letter accordingly.

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