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How to Use Get-ClusterSharedVolume in Windows PowerShell

The Get-ClusterSharedVolume cmdlet is an essential tool for administrators managing Windows Server Failover Clusters (WSFC). This cmdlet allows you to retrieve information about the Cluster Shared Volumes (CSVs) in a failover cluster. CSVs are crucial in environments that require high availability and scalability, such as Hyper-V clusters or SQL Server clusters. Understanding how to use this cmdlet can help you effectively monitor and manage your clustered storage resources.


1. Retrieving All CSVs in a Cluster:
To get a list of all Cluster Shared Volumes in your failover cluster, you can use the following PowerShell command:


This command will display information about each CSV, including its name, state, and the owning node.

2. Filtering CSVs by Name:
If you want to retrieve information about a specific CSV by its name, you can use the -Name parameter:

   Get-ClusterSharedVolume -Name "Cluster Disk 1"

This command will show details for the CSV named "Cluster Disk 1".

3. Displaying Detailed Information:
To get more detailed information about each CSV, you can pipe the output to the Format-List cmdlet:

   Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Format-List *

This command will provide a detailed list of properties for each CSV.

4. Checking CSV Status:
You can also check the status of a CSV to ensure it is online and functioning correctly:

   Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select-Object -Property Name, State

This command will display the name and state of each CSV, allowing you to quickly identify any volumes that are not online.

5. Using CSVs in Scripts:
You can incorporate Get-ClusterSharedVolume into scripts to automate monitoring and management tasks. For example, you might want to log the status of all CSVs daily:

   $csvs = Get-ClusterSharedVolume
foreach ($csv in $csvs) {
$logEntry = "{0} - {1} - {2}" -f (Get-Date), $csv.Name, $csv.State
Add-Content -Path "C:\ClusterLogs\CSVStatus.log" -Value $logEntry

This script retrieves all CSVs, formats their status into a log entry, and appends it to a log file.

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