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How to Use Get-NetAdapter in Windows PowerShell

Get-NetAdapter is a PowerShell cmdlet available in Windows that allows users to retrieve information about the network adapters present on their system. This cmdlet is particularly useful for system administrators and IT professionals who need to manage and troubleshoot network interfaces on Windows machines.


Example 1: Listing All Network Adapters

To list all network adapters on your system, open PowerShell and run the following command:


This command will display a table with details such as the name, interface description, status, and MAC address of each network adapter.

Example 2: Filtering Network Adapters by Status

If you want to list only the network adapters that are currently up and running, use the Where-Object cmdlet to filter the results:

Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq 'Up' }

This command will show only the network adapters that are in the "Up" state.

Example 3: Displaying Detailed Information About a Specific Adapter

To get detailed information about a specific network adapter, you can use the -Name parameter followed by the name of the adapter:

Get-NetAdapter -Name "Ethernet"

Replace "Ethernet" with the actual name of your network adapter. This command will provide detailed information about the specified adapter, including its interface index, link speed, and more.

Example 4: Exporting Network Adapter Information to a CSV File

You can export the information about your network adapters to a CSV file for further analysis or reporting:

Get-NetAdapter | Export-Csv -Path "C:\NetworkAdapters.csv" -NoTypeInformation

This command will create a CSV file at the specified path containing the details of all network adapters.

Example 5: Disabling a Network Adapter

To disable a specific network adapter, use the Disable-NetAdapter cmdlet:

Disable-NetAdapter -Name "Ethernet" -Confirm:$false

This command will disable the network adapter named "Ethernet" without asking for confirmation.

Example 6: Enabling a Network Adapter

To enable a previously disabled network adapter, use the Enable-NetAdapter cmdlet:

Enable-NetAdapter -Name "Ethernet"

This command will enable the network adapter named "Ethernet".


The Get-NetAdapter cmdlet is a powerful tool for managing network adapters in Windows. By leveraging PowerShell, you can easily retrieve, filter, and manipulate network adapter information, making it an essential skill for system administrators.

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