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How to Use Get-Package in Windows PowerShell

The Get-Package cmdlet is a powerful tool available in Windows PowerShell that allows users to retrieve information about software packages installed on a system. This cmdlet is particularly useful for system administrators and IT professionals who need to manage and audit software installations across multiple machines. Understanding how to use Get-Package can significantly streamline the process of software management and ensure that all systems are compliant with organizational policies.


1. Basic Usage of Get-Package:
To list all installed packages on your system, you can use the following command:


This command will display a list of all software packages installed on the system, including their names and versions.

2. Filtering Packages by Name:
If you want to find a specific package, you can filter the results by using the -Name parameter. For example, to find all packages with "Microsoft" in their name:

   Get-Package -Name *Microsoft*

This will return all packages that have "Microsoft" in their name.

3. Retrieving Package Details:
To get more detailed information about a specific package, you can use the | (pipe) operator to pass the results to the Format-List cmdlet:

   Get-Package -Name *Microsoft* | Format-List *

This will display detailed information about each package, including its provider, source, and installation location.

4. Finding Packages from a Specific Provider:
If you are interested in packages from a specific provider, you can use the -ProviderName parameter. For example, to list all packages from the NuGet provider:

   Get-Package -ProviderName NuGet

This will show all packages that were installed using the NuGet provider.

5. Exporting Package List to a File:
To export the list of installed packages to a file for documentation or auditing purposes, you can use the Export-Csv cmdlet:

   Get-Package | Export-Csv -Path "C:\InstalledPackages.csv" -NoTypeInformation

This command will create a CSV file at the specified path containing the list of all installed packages.

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