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How to Use StringBuilder in C# on Windows

StringBuilder is a class in the .NET Framework that is used to manipulate strings more efficiently than traditional string concatenation methods. It is particularly useful when you need to perform numerous modifications to a string, such as appending, inserting, or removing characters. In a Windows environment, StringBuilder is an essential tool for developers working with C# in applications that require extensive string manipulation. This article will guide you through the basics of using StringBuilder in C# on a Windows system, providing practical examples to illustrate its usage.


1. Creating and Using StringBuilder

using System;
using System.Text;

class Program
static void Main()
// Initialize a new instance of StringBuilder
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello, World!");

// Append a string to the StringBuilder
sb.Append(" Welcome to the StringBuilder tutorial.");

// Insert a string at a specified index
sb.Insert(7, "C# ");

// Remove a specified number of characters starting at a specified index
sb.Remove(13, 7);

// Replace a specified string with another string
sb.Replace("World", "Universe");

// Convert StringBuilder to string and print the result
string result = sb.ToString();

To compile and run this C# code on a Windows system, you can use the .NET CLI:

dotnet new console -n StringBuilderExample
cd StringBuilderExample
dotnet add package System.Text
dotnet run

2. Using StringBuilder in a PowerShell Script

While StringBuilder is a C# class, you can also utilize it in PowerShell scripts by leveraging the .NET Framework. Here’s an example:

# Create a new instance of StringBuilder
$stringBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

# Append strings to the StringBuilder
[void]$stringBuilder.Append("Hello, World!")
[void]$stringBuilder.Append(" Welcome to the StringBuilder tutorial.")

# Insert a string at a specified index
[void]$stringBuilder.Insert(7, "PowerShell ")

# Remove a specified number of characters starting at a specified index
[void]$stringBuilder.Remove(20, 7)

# Replace a specified string with another string
[void]$stringBuilder.Replace("World", "Universe")

# Convert StringBuilder to string and print the result
$result = $stringBuilder.ToString()
Write-Output $result

To run this PowerShell script on a Windows system, save the script to a file named StringBuilderExample.ps1 and execute it using the following command:

powershell -File .\StringBuilderExample.ps1

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