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How to Use the Eventvwr Command to Manage Event Logs in Windows

In this article, we will explore the usage of the eventvwr command in Windows to effectively manage event logs. Event logs are essential for troubleshooting issues, monitoring system activities, and identifying potential security threats. By understanding how to use the eventvwr command, users can efficiently analyze and interpret event logs to maintain the stability and security of their Windows environment.


1. Opening the Event Viewer:
To open the Event Viewer using the eventvwr command, follow these steps:

  • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.

  • Type "eventvwr" and press Enter.

  • The Event Viewer window will open, displaying the various event logs available on the system.

2. Filtering Event Logs:
The eventvwr command allows users to filter event logs based on specific criteria. For example, to filter event logs for a specific event ID, use the following command:

eventvwr /c:"Event ID" /f:<event_id>

Replace <event_id> with the desired event ID.

3. Exporting Event Logs:
To export event logs using the eventvwr command, use the following command:

eventvwr /e:<filename>

Replace <filename> with the desired name and location for the exported event log file.

4. Clearing Event Logs:
To clear event logs using the eventvwr command, use the following command:

eventvwr /cl

This command will clear all event logs on the system.

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