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How to Work with CultureInfo in Windows PowerShell

CultureInfo is a class in the .NET framework that provides information about a specific culture, including the names of the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, and formatting for dates and numbers. This is particularly important in software development for creating applications that are culturally aware and can handle various regional settings appropriately. In the Windows environment, PowerShell, which is built on the .NET framework, allows us to utilize CultureInfo to manage and manipulate cultural information effectively.


1. Getting the Current Culture:
To get the current culture information in PowerShell, you can use the following command:

   $currentCulture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture
Write-Output $currentCulture

2. Changing the Current Culture:
You can change the current culture for your PowerShell session using the following command:

   [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo("fr-FR")

3. Formatting Dates and Numbers:
To format dates and numbers according to a specific culture, you can use the following example:

   $culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo("de-DE")
$date = Get-Date
$number = 12345.67

$formattedDate = $date.ToString($culture.DateTimeFormat)
$formattedNumber = $number.ToString("N", $culture.NumberFormat)

Write-Output "Formatted Date: $formattedDate"
Write-Output "Formatted Number: $formattedNumber"

4. Listing All Available Cultures:
To list all available cultures in the .NET framework, you can use the following command:

   $allCultures = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures)
foreach ($culture in $allCultures) {
Write-Output $culture.Name

5. Comparing Strings Using Different Cultures:
You can compare strings using different cultural settings to see how they are treated differently:

   $str1 = "straße"
$str2 = "strasse"

$culture1 = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo("de-DE")
$culture2 = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo("en-US")

$comparisonDE = [System.String]::Compare($str1, $str2, $false, $culture1)
$comparisonUS = [System.String]::Compare($str1, $str2, $false, $culture2)

Write-Output "Comparison in German culture: $comparisonDE"
Write-Output "Comparison in US culture: $comparisonUS"

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