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Learn How to Use xcopy.exe in Windows 11 to Efficiently Copy Files

The xcopy.exe command is a powerful tool in Windows 11 that allows users to copy files and directories with ease. Understanding how to use xcopy.exe efficiently can greatly enhance productivity and file management capabilities for Windows 11 users.

One important adjustment to consider when using xcopy.exe in Windows 11 is the use of the new Windows Terminal. The Windows Terminal provides an improved command-line experience with features such as multiple tabs, customization options, and support for PowerShell, Command Prompt, and other shells. By utilizing the Windows Terminal, users can take full advantage of xcopy.exe and its capabilities.


1. Basic File Copy:
To copy a single file from one location to another, use the following command:

xcopy.exe "C:\source\file.txt" "D:\destination\" /Y

This command will copy the file.txt from the source directory to the destination directory. The /Y flag is used to suppress the prompt asking for confirmation before overwriting existing files.

2. Copying a Directory:
To copy an entire directory and its contents, use the /E flag:

xcopy.exe "C:\source\directory\" "D:\destination\directory\" /E

The /E flag ensures that all subdirectories and files within the source directory are also copied to the destination directory.

3. Copying Only New or Modified Files:
To copy only new or modified files from the source directory to the destination directory, use the /D flag:

xcopy.exe "C:\source\directory\" "D:\destination\directory\" /E /D

The /D flag tells xcopy.exe to only copy files that are newer or have been modified since the last copy operation.

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