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Managing User Accounts in Windows with NET USER Command

The NET USER command is a powerful tool in Windows that allows system administrators to manage user accounts efficiently. It provides a command-line interface to create, modify, and delete user accounts, as well as to manage various aspects of user accounts such as passwords, group memberships, and account properties. In this article, we will explore the various capabilities of the NET USER command and how it can be utilized in a Windows environment.


1. Creating a User Account:
To create a new user account, open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and use the following command:

net user username password /add

Replace "username" with the desired username and "password" with the desired password for the new account. This command will create a new user account with the specified username and password.

2. Modifying User Account Properties:
To modify user account properties, such as full name, description, or account expiry date, use the following command:

net user username /fullname:"Full Name" /comment:"Description" /expires:MM/DD/YYYY

Replace "username" with the username of the account you want to modify. Specify the desired full name, description, and expiry date in the respective fields. This command will update the specified properties of the user account.

3. Changing User Account Password:
To change the password of a user account, use the following command:

net user username newpassword

Replace "username" with the username of the account you want to modify and "newpassword" with the desired new password. This command will change the password of the specified user account.

4. Managing User Group Memberships:
To add or remove a user from a specific group, use the following commands:

net localgroup groupname username /add
net localgroup groupname username /delete

Replace "groupname" with the name of the group you want to modify and "username" with the username of the user account. The first command will add the user to the specified group, while the second command will remove the user from the group.

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