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Set-ExecutionPolicy: Controlling Script Execution in Windows Environment

In a Windows environment, the Set-ExecutionPolicy command plays a crucial role in controlling the execution of scripts. It allows system administrators to determine which scripts can be run and which are blocked. This article will provide an in-depth understanding of Set-ExecutionPolicy and its significance for readers operating in a Windows environment.

Set-ExecutionPolicy is a security feature in Windows PowerShell that determines the script execution policy for the computer. By default, the execution policy is set to "Restricted," which prevents the execution of any script. However, this restrictive policy can be modified to suit specific requirements.

To change the execution policy, open a PowerShell session with administrative privileges and run the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy <Policy>

The <Policy> parameter can be one of the following values:

  • Restricted: No scripts are allowed to run.

  • AllSigned: Only scripts signed by a trusted publisher can run.

  • RemoteSigned: Scripts downloaded from the internet must be signed by a trusted publisher.

  • Unrestricted: All scripts can run, regardless of their origin or signature.

  • Bypass: No execution policy is enforced. This is the least secure option.

For example, to set the execution policy to RemoteSigned, use the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

It is important to note that changing the execution policy requires administrative privileges. If you encounter an error while trying to change the execution policy, ensure that you are running PowerShell as an administrator.

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