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Understand how to use spaceutil.exe in Windows 11 to manage disk space

In this article, we will explore the spaceutil.exe tool in Windows 11 and understand how it can be used to effectively manage disk space. Disk space management is crucial for maintaining system performance and ensuring efficient storage utilization. By utilizing spaceutil.exe, users can easily analyze disk space usage, identify large files or folders, and take appropriate actions to free up space.

1. Analyzing disk space usage:

  • Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as an administrator.

  • Run the following command: spaceutil.exe analyze /path:C:\

  • This command will analyze the disk space usage on the C: drive and provide a detailed report.

2. Identifying large files or folders:

  • Run the following command: spaceutil.exe list /path:C:\ /order:size /limit:10

  • This command will list the top 10 largest files or folders on the C: drive, ordered by size.

3. Freeing up disk space:

  • Run the following command: spaceutil.exe free /path:C:\ /target:10GB

  • This command will attempt to free up 10GB of disk space on the C: drive by deleting unnecessary files or folders.

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