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Understanding Dumpchk for Windows: Examples in PowerShell and Batch Scripts

In this article, we will explore the topic of understanding Dumpchk for Windows and how it can be used in PowerShell and Batch Scripts. Dumpchk is a command-line tool that analyzes Windows crash dump files and provides information about the state of the system at the time of the crash. This tool is particularly useful for diagnosing and troubleshooting system crashes and blue screen errors.

Dumpchk is not a native tool in the Windows operating system, but it can be downloaded from the Windows Debugging Tools for Windows package. Once installed, it can be used to analyze crash dump files generated by Windows.


1. Analyzing a Crash Dump File using Dumpchk in PowerShell:

# Set the path to the Dumpchk executable
$DumpchkPath = "C:\Path\To\Dumpchk.exe"

# Set the path to the crash dump file
$CrashDumpFile = "C:\Path\To\CrashDump.dmp"

# Run Dumpchk to analyze the crash dump file
& $DumpchkPath $CrashDumpFile

2. Analyzing a Crash Dump File using Dumpchk in a Batch Script:

@echo off

rem Set the path to the Dumpchk executable
set DumpchkPath=C:\Path\To\Dumpchk.exe

rem Set the path to the crash dump file
set CrashDumpFile=C:\Path\To\CrashDump.dmp

rem Run Dumpchk to analyze the crash dump file
"%DumpchkPath%" "%CrashDumpFile%"

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