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Understanding File Properties in Windows: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding file properties in Windows is crucial for any user, especially for those who work extensively with files and folders. File properties provide valuable information about a file, such as its size, creation date, modification date, and attributes. This comprehensive guide aims to explain the various file properties in Windows and their significance. Additionally, this article will focus on how to access and modify file properties using built-in tools and commands in the Windows environment.

1. Viewing File Properties:
To view the properties of a file in Windows, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the file and select "Properties" from the context menu.

  • The Properties window will open, displaying various tabs such as General, Security, and Details.

  • The General tab provides basic information about the file, including its name, type, size, and location.

  • The Details tab offers more in-depth information, such as the file's creation date, modification date, and attributes.

2. Modifying File Properties with Command Prompt:
Windows Command Prompt provides a convenient way to modify file properties using the attrib command. For example, to remove the "Read-only" attribute from a file named "example.txt," use the following command:

attrib -r example.txt

3. Modifying File Properties with PowerShell:
PowerShell offers more flexibility in modifying file properties. To change the creation date of a file named "example.docx" to a specific date, use the following PowerShell command:

(Get-Item "example.docx").CreationTime = "2022-01-01"

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