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Understanding IP Addressing in the Windows Environment

In the Windows environment, IP addressing plays a crucial role in establishing network connections and enabling communication between devices. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of IP addressing, its significance in the Windows environment, and how it can be effectively managed.

IP addressing is a method used to assign unique numerical identifiers to devices connected to a network. It enables devices to communicate with each other by identifying the source and destination of data packets. In the Windows environment, IP addressing is essential for various network-related tasks, such as configuring network adapters, troubleshooting connectivity issues, and establishing secure connections.

1. Configuring IP Address using Command Prompt:

  • Open Command Prompt by pressing Win + R and typing "cmd".

  • Use the "ipconfig" command to display the current IP configuration of your network adapters.

  • To change the IP address of a specific adapter, use the "netsh" command. For example, to set the IP address of the Ethernet adapter to, use the command "netsh interface ipv4 set address name="Ethernet" static".

  • Verify the changes using the "ipconfig" command again.

2. Managing IP Address using PowerShell:

  • Open PowerShell by searching for it in the Start menu.

  • Use the "Get-NetIPAddress" cmdlet to retrieve information about the current IP addresses assigned to network adapters.

  • To set a static IP address, use the "New-NetIPAddress" cmdlet. For example, to set the IP address of the Ethernet adapter to, use the command "New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet" -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway".

  • Confirm the changes by running the "Get-NetIPAddress" cmdlet again.

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