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Uninstalling Windows Updates with Uninstall-WindowsUpdate Command

In this article, we will explore the Uninstall-WindowsUpdate command in the Windows environment, its significance, and how it can be used to uninstall updates. Keeping your Windows system up to date is crucial for security and performance reasons. However, there may be instances where a specific update causes issues or conflicts with other software or drivers, requiring its removal. The Uninstall-WindowsUpdate command provides an efficient way to uninstall updates on Windows systems, ensuring smooth operation.

1. Uninstalling a specific update:
To uninstall a specific update, open the PowerShell console as an administrator and use the following command:

   Uninstall-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB123456

Replace "KB123456" with the actual KB article ID of the update you wish to uninstall.

2. Uninstalling multiple updates:
To uninstall multiple updates at once, you can specify a list of KB article IDs separated by commas:

   Uninstall-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB123456, KB789012, KB345678

3. Uninstalling updates by date:
If you want to remove updates installed on or after a specific date, you can use the "InstalledOnOrAfter" parameter:

   Uninstall-WindowsUpdate -InstalledOnOrAfter (Get-Date "2022-01-01")

4. Uninstalling updates by name:
In some cases, you may know the name of the update rather than the KB article ID. You can use the "Title" parameter to uninstall updates by their names:

   Uninstall-WindowsUpdate -Title "Update Name"

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