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Using Get-Service Command in Windows Environment

The Get-Service command is a powerful tool in the Windows environment that allows users to retrieve information about services running on a local or remote computer. This command is particularly useful for system administrators and IT professionals who need to monitor and manage services on Windows machines.

In Windows, services are programs that run in the background and provide specific functionality to the operating system or other applications. They can be started automatically at boot time or manually by the user. Services play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and functionality of a Windows system.

The Get-Service command provides a simple and efficient way to query information about services. It can retrieve details such as the service name, display name, status, startup type, and process ID. With this information, administrators can easily identify which services are running, stop or start services, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.


1. Get a list of all services running on the local computer:


2. Get detailed information about a specific service:

Get-Service -Name "BITS"

3. Filter services based on their status:

Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Running" }

4. Restart a service:

Restart-Service -Name "Spooler"

5. Stop a service:

Stop-Service -Name "W32Time"

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