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Using New-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment in PowerShell to Assign Role Management Policies in Azure

In this article, we will explore the usage of the New-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment cmdlet in PowerShell to assign role management policies in the Azure environment. While the concept of role management policies is not specific to Windows, we will focus on demonstrating how to use this cmdlet in a Windows environment.

Role management policies in Azure allow you to define and enforce specific rules and permissions for different roles within your organization. By assigning these policies, you can ensure that users have the appropriate level of access and permissions to perform their tasks while adhering to your organization's security and compliance requirements.


1. Assigning a Role Management Policy to a User:
To assign a role management policy to a user, you can use the New-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment cmdlet in PowerShell. Here's an example of how to assign the "Contributor" role to a user named "JohnDoe" for a specific resource group:

   New-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}" -SignInName "JohnDoe" -RoleDefinitionName "Contributor"

This command creates a new role management policy assignment for the specified user, granting them the "Contributor" role within the specified resource group.

2. Assigning a Role Management Policy to a Group:
You can also assign role management policies to groups in Azure. This allows you to manage permissions for multiple users collectively. Here's an example of how to assign the "Reader" role to a group named "Developers" for a specific subscription:

   New-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}" -SignInName "Developers" -RoleDefinitionName "Reader"

This command assigns the "Reader" role to the group "Developers" within the specified subscription.

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