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In this article, we will explore the functionality of the New-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction command in PowerShell and its importance in automating tasks in the Windows environment. Stream Analytics is a real-time analytics service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables the processing and analysis of streaming data. By utilizing the New-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction command, users can create and manage functions within Azure Stream Analytics jobs, allowing for the automation of various tasks.
1. Creating a new Stream Analytics function:
New-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction -ResourceGroupName "MyResourceGroup" -JobName "MyStreamAnalyticsJob" -Name "MyFunction" -ScriptFile "C:\Scripts\MyFunctionScript.js" -Language "JavaScript"
This example demonstrates how to create a new function named "MyFunction" within the Stream Analytics job "MyStreamAnalyticsJob" in the Azure resource group "MyResourceGroup". The function script file is specified as "C:\Scripts\MyFunctionScript.js" and the language used is JavaScript.
2. Updating an existing Stream Analytics function:
Set-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction -ResourceGroupName "MyResourceGroup" -JobName "MyStreamAnalyticsJob" -Name "MyFunction" -ScriptFile "C:\Scripts\UpdatedFunctionScript.js"
This example shows how to update the script of an existing function named "MyFunction" within the Stream Analytics job "MyStreamAnalyticsJob" in the Azure resource group "MyResourceGroup". The new script file is specified as "C:\Scripts\UpdatedFunctionScript.js".
3. Deleting a Stream Analytics function:
Remove-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction -ResourceGroupName "MyResourceGroup" -JobName "MyStreamAnalyticsJob" -Name "MyFunction"
In this example, we delete a function named "MyFunction" from the Stream Analytics job "MyStreamAnalyticsJob" in the Azure resource group "MyResourceGroup".