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Utilizando o New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleCookiesConditionObject no PowerShell

Using New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleCookiesConditionObject in PowerShell for Windows

In this article, we will explore the usage of the New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleCookiesConditionObject in PowerShell for Windows. This feature allows us to define conditions based on cookies for Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) rules. By leveraging this capability, we can enhance the delivery of content to end-users, customize caching behavior, and improve overall performance.

To demonstrate the usage of New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleCookiesConditionObject, let's consider a scenario where we have a website that serves personalized content based on user preferences stored in cookies. We want to redirect users to a specific URL based on the value of a particular cookie.

1. Install and import the Azure PowerShell module:

   Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module Az

2. Connect to your Azure account:


3. Create a new CDN profile:

   $profileName = "myCDNProfile"
$resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$location = "West US"
New-AzCdnProfile -ProfileName $profileName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location

4. Create a new CDN endpoint:

   $endpointName = "myCDNEndpoint"
$originUrl = ""
New-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName $profileName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -EndpointName $endpointName -OriginUrl $originUrl

5. Define a new CDN delivery rule with cookies condition:

   $ruleName = "myCDNRule"
$conditionName = "myCookieCondition"
$cookieName = "myCookie"
$cookieValue = "desiredValue"
$actionName = "Redirect"
$redirectUrl = ""
$condition = New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleCookiesConditionObject -Name $conditionName -Cookies $cookieName -Operator Equal -Values $cookieValue
$action = New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleActionObject -Name $actionName -RedirectUrl $redirectUrl
Add-AzCdnDeliveryRule -ProfileName $profileName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -EndpointName $endpointName -RuleName $ruleName -Conditions $condition -Actions $action

By following the above steps, we have created a CDN profile, an endpoint, and a delivery rule with a cookies condition. Now, when a user visits our website and has the "myCookie" with a value of "desiredValue", they will be redirected to "".

The New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleCookiesConditionObject in PowerShell for Windows provides a powerful way to customize content delivery based on cookies. By utilizing this feature, we can enhance user experiences, optimize caching behavior, and improve overall performance. Incorporating cookies conditions into CDN rules allows for dynamic content delivery tailored to specific user preferences.

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