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Utilizing Get-AzSynapseKustoPoolFollowerDatabase in PowerShell for Windows Environments

In this article, we will explore the usage of the Get-AzSynapseKustoPoolFollowerDatabase cmdlet in PowerShell for Windows environments. This cmdlet is part of the Azure Synapse Analytics module and is used to retrieve information about follower databases in a Kusto pool. By understanding how to use this cmdlet, users can effectively manage and monitor their follower databases.


1. To begin, ensure that you have the Azure Synapse Analytics module installed. You can do this by running the following command in PowerShell:

Install-Module -Name Az.Synapse.Analytics -Scope CurrentUser -Force

2. Once the module is installed, use the following command to connect to your Azure Synapse Analytics workspace:


3. After successfully connecting, run the following command to get a list of all the follower databases in your Kusto pool:

Get-AzSynapseKustoPoolFollowerDatabase -ResourceGroupName "yourResourceGroup" -WorkspaceName "yourWorkspace" -KustoPoolName "yourKustoPool"

Make sure to replace "yourResourceGroup", "yourWorkspace", and "yourKustoPool" with the appropriate values for your environment.

4. If you want to retrieve information about a specific follower database, you can use the following command:

Get-AzSynapseKustoPoolFollowerDatabase -ResourceGroupName "yourResourceGroup" -WorkspaceName "yourWorkspace" -KustoPoolName "yourKustoPool" -DatabaseName "yourDatabase"

Replace "yourDatabase" with the name of the follower database you want to retrieve information for.

5. Additionally, you can filter the list of follower databases based on specific criteria. For example, to retrieve all follower databases with a specific state, you can use the following command:

Get-AzSynapseKustoPoolFollowerDatabase -ResourceGroupName "yourResourceGroup" -WorkspaceName "yourWorkspace" -KustoPoolName "yourKustoPool" | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "yourState"}

Replace "yourState" with the desired state of the follower databases.

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