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Utilizing the New-AzFrontDoorCdnSecretCustomerCertificateParametersObject in PowerShell for Windows

In this article, we will explore the usage of the New-AzFrontDoorCdnSecretCustomerCertificateParametersObject in PowerShell for Windows. This object is an important part of managing and configuring Azure Front Door CDN with customer-managed certificates. By understanding and utilizing this object, Windows users can effectively manage their Front Door CDN configurations.


1. Creating a New-AzFrontDoorCdnSecretCustomerCertificateParametersObject:

$certificateParams = New-AzFrontDoorCdnSecretCustomerCertificateParametersObject -SecretType "KeyVaultSecret" -SecretSource "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vaultName}/secrets/{secretName}/versions/{secretVersion}"

This example demonstrates how to create a new instance of the New-AzFrontDoorCdnSecretCustomerCertificateParametersObject using a Key Vault secret as the source for the certificate.

2. Adding the certificate parameters to an existing Front Door CDN configuration:

$frontDoor = Get-AzFrontDoor -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" -Name "myFrontDoor"
$frontDoor.CdnConfiguration.CustomDomainHttpsParameters.CertificateParameters = $certificateParams
Set-AzFrontDoor -FrontDoor $frontDoor

Here, we retrieve an existing Front Door CDN configuration and assign the previously created certificate parameters to the CustomDomainHttpsParameters. Finally, we update the Front Door CDN configuration with the new settings.

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