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Utilizing the Start-DtcTransactionsTraceSession PowerShell Guide with Windows

In this article, we will explore the topic of utilizing the Start-DtcTransactionsTraceSession cmdlet in PowerShell on the Windows platform. This cmdlet allows users to start a Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction trace session, which can be essential for troubleshooting and monitoring transactional activities within a Windows environment.

Transactional activities are crucial in many Windows applications, especially those that involve multiple databases or resources. The DTC acts as a coordinator for these transactions, ensuring their atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID properties). By utilizing the Start-DtcTransactionsTraceSession cmdlet, administrators can capture detailed trace information about these transactions, enabling them to diagnose and resolve any issues that may arise.


1. Starting a DTC Transaction Trace Session:

Start-DtcTransactionsTraceSession -Name "MyTraceSession" -Path "C:\Traces\MyTrace.etl" -MaxFileSize 1024MB -MaxBuffers 256 -Level 5

In this example, we start a new DTC transaction trace session named "MyTraceSession" and specify the output file path as "C:\Traces\MyTrace.etl". We set the maximum file size to 1024MB, the maximum number of buffers to 256, and the trace level to 5 (Verbose). Adjust these parameters according to your specific requirements.

2. Listing Active DTC Transaction Trace Sessions:


This command retrieves a list of active DTC transaction trace sessions, including their names and status.

3. Stopping a DTC Transaction Trace Session:

Stop-DtcTransactionsTraceSession -Name "MyTraceSession"

To stop a specific DTC transaction trace session, use the Stop-DtcTransactionsTraceSession cmdlet followed by the session name.

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